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International & Career Office

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Internationale Austauschstudierende auf dem Campus

About us

The International & Career Office connects prospective students, national and international students and alumni of Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS) with universities, companies and scientific institutions. Its services include student counseling, career counseling, continuing education, the university job exchange and career events. The International & Career Office looks after international exchange students who study at Aschaffenburg UAS for one or two semesters. Students are given information about the university, admission requirements and the application process as well as support in finding accommodation and dealing with the authorities (e.g. when registering their stay in the town hall or applying for a residence permit).

The International & Career Office also supports students of Aschaffenburg UAS in preparing and implementing their stay abroad. Study visits or internships abroad are an exciting opportunity to develop social and intercultural skills as well as to demonstrate flexibility and organisational skills. The International & Career Office informs regularly about study programmes offered by our international partner universities as well as about funding programmes and financing opportunities.

Students of Aschaffenburg UAS have the opportunity to become involved as volunteer guides for international students and to participate in the activities offered within the framework of the Buddy Programme.

Please contact us via incoming(at)