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Doctoral college iDok

Eine Frau hält einen Vortrag über die kooperative Promotion an der TH Aschaffenburg.

Targeted support from the beginning

With the iDok doctoral college, doctoral students at the Aschaffenburg UAS receive extensive support in all phases of the doctoral project – from planning all the way trough to the successful defence and publication of the dissertation.

Doctoral students work on their doctoral topic together with professors from the doctoral college. The doctoral candidates receive comprehensive help in finding a suitable supervisor at a partner university. The doctorates are supervised by at least two independent researchers from two universities - an important advantage of the cooperative doctorate. The members of the iDok doctoral college also support the doctoral researchers as mentors. The professors from the doctoral college are committed to financing the doctoral project through third-party funding.

The opportunity to present my doctoral topic to an expert audience together with my supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zindler at a renowned international conference was a real highlight.

Timm Sauer, doctoral student

Promoting knowledge transfer

The interdisciplinary programme offers doctoral students the opportunity to establish first contacts in industry and economy at an early stage. Doctoral students gain access to professional networks and corporate contacts that are indispensable for their later professional careers. The ZeWiS (Centre for Scientific Services) promotes intensive cooperation between science and entrepreneurial practice in the region and thus has an extensive network with business and industry.

iDok promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of scientific experience. At expert meetings, cluster seminars, impulse lectures and poster slams of iDok, doctoral students have the opportunity to present their research activities in front of expert groups.

Ongoing doctoral theses

In recent years, Aschaffenburg UAS has been able to motivate more than 40 master's students to go on to earn doctorates. Currently, more than 50 doctoral projects are underway. More than 40 doctoral students have already successfully completed their doctorates at Aschaffenburg UAS.

  • Ongoing doctorates

    Name Title Counsellor at the TH AB Co-operative university
    Bischoff, Kay Electrification of polymer lab-on-a-chip systems Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Bode, Lukas Goal-directedness in disorders from the impulsive-compulsive spectrum Sebold, Miriam Humboldt Universität Berlin
    Bruns, Kimo China’s Economy in a State of Flux; Is This the Amplifier for Sustainable Entrepreneurship?  Bauke, Boris
    Büdel, Johannes Modular drive systems with multiple energy storage units   Teigelkötter, Johannes Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Chaar, Mohamad Mofeed Autonomous driving under severe weather conditions
    Weidl, Galia
    Dobrovolskij, Dascha 3 D Image Analysis and Microstructure Models for Simulation of Materials Properties Stark, Hans-Georg University of Bremen
    Flachs, Dennis Microstructured piezoelectrics for use in energy harvesters Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt
    Franz, Daniel Industrial robots for 3D material processing with ultrashort laser pulses Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Genzel, Daniela Brigitte Implementation of artificial intelligence in the differential diagnosis of brain tumours Jouanne-Diedrich, Holger v. JMU Würzburg
    Gold-Veerkamp, Carolin Student performances in Software Engineering Abke, Jörg Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
    Gorks, Manuel  AI-supported collaborative manoeuvre planning for autonomous vehicles  Zindler, Klaus 
    Gregor, Matthias Machine-learning-based assessment of critically ill patients during treatment in a medical intensive care unit  Jouanne-Diedrich, Holger v. JMU Würzburg
    Hartung, Stefanie Medical correlations in transplantation events Jouanne-Diedrich, Holger v. JMU Würzburg
    Heininger, Nina ChatGPT in the higher education context. Applications in foreign language teaching with a focus on German as a foreign language Link, Renate University of Bayreuth
    Hetzel, Manuel Image augmentation methods for artificial data-set creation on the basis of urban traffic scenarios Doll, Konrad University of Kassel
    Hubert, Andreas Intelligent Assistance Systems for Unsupervised Scene Understanding at manual Workstations Doll, Konrad University of Kassel
    Jelibaghu, Mustafa Autonomous multisensory industrial truck networking in intralogistics  Eley, Michael  University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
    Kefer, Stefan Shape and form sensors with planar Bragg gratings Hellmann, Ralf FAU Erlangen Nürnberg
    Klopp, Marco Students' and teachers' perceptions and expectations of learning processes in computer science Abke, Jörg
    Kokott, Peter Effects of advancing digitalisation on working capital management (working title) Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Kraus, Birgit Acquisition of language(s) and intercultural competence at the learning location 'foreign university' - quality assurance and quality development Link, Renate TU Darmstadt
    Kuhlmann, Kai Efficiency and service life-optimised operation of batteries on the electrical supply grid Teigelkötter, Johannes
    Li, Zhenan Qualification concept for company training staff in China Link, Renate FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
    Lutz, Christian Efficient USP laser material processing through the use of electro-opto-mechanical spatial light modulators Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Manggold, Carmen Alice Group coaching as a personnel development measure? An evaluation of impact and effectiveness factors Kotte, Silja University of Kassel
    Mücke, Dominik  Ultra-short pulse laser-based process chains  Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Müller, Sven Potential of energy sharing between commercial enterprises in shared distribution grids Hartmann, Kilian
    Obmann, Dirk Development of an expert system for the diagnosis of intensive care illnesses Jouanne-Diedrich, Holger v. University of Regensburg
    Özdemir, Dilan How can AI-supported software solutions sustainably support innovation managers along the value creation process? Schork, Sabrina
    Reichert, Hannes Sensor Data Abstraction of Autonomous Vehicle Perception Systems and Their Applications for the Protection of Vulnerable Raad Users  Doll, Konrad University of Kassel
    Sauer, Timm Anton Control of heterogeneous fleets of internal industrial trucks using artificial intelligence Zindler, Klaus Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
    Schleier, Max Process sensors for high-power fibre laser applications Hellmann, Ralf University of Bayreuth
    Schoenfelder, Knut Management Control Systems for Cyber Resilience and Risk Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Seitz, Mirian Development of students' intercultural learning in the course of a study abroad programme Link, Renate University of Kassel
    Shäfer, Myriam Studies on spatial characteristics of chromatin organization in relation to the radiosensitivity of human cells Hildenbrand, Georg University of Heidelberg
    Slembrouck, Stefan Ethical investigations into the use of AI algorithms to analyse and increase the well-being of people in spaces and to develop a smart city mid-level theory according to Alexandrova within the framework of a philosophy of the science of wellbeing Schork, Sabrina
    Smeets, Mario Use and effects of artificial intelligence in the area of management decision making Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Smolin, Oliver Radiation-induced effects on human cardiomyocytes Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt
    Sommer, David Hybrid additive manufacturing of nickel-based alloys (working title)  Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Spielmann, Luca Increasing the efficiency of geothermal heat pump systems with near-surface collectors  Zindler, Klaus
    Stang, Christopher Analysis of the potential of V2X communication to optimise traffic flow and reduce overall energy consumption Weidl, Galia TU München
    Tauchmann, Christina The Role of Trust in AI-based Decision Support Systems on Automation Bias and Algorithm Aversion  Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Talluri, Kranthi  Traffic Flow Analysis for safe & efficient Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility Weidl, Gali


    Usme, Yeimy Valencia Artificial intelligence as supporting knowledge acquisition Weidl, Gali


    Vogl, Markus Qualitative financial market analysis using wavelets and neural networks Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Warkentin, Angela Intercultural leadership communication - how female managers communicate effectively in an intercultural working environment Link, Renate TU Darmstadt
    Weber, Maximilian Sustainability management and management control systems in the brewing and beverage industry Rötzel, Peter University of Stuttgart
    Xu, Xukuan Quality-orientated process analysis of complex production chains for small series production Möckel, Michael University of Dresden
    Yang, Yongting Laser material processing with ultrashort pulse lasers - processes, sensor technology, linking Hellmann, Ralf
    Zerey, Cudi Laser material processing with ultrashort pulse lasers - processes, sensor technology, linking Schork, Sabrina
    Zettl, Julian Femtosecond laser turning Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum
    Ziegler-Rehak, Philipp Development of an integrative counselling approach for dual career couples Development of an integrative counselling approach for dual career couples Kotte, Silja University of Kassel
  • Completed doctorates

    Name Title Counsellor at the TH AB Co-operative university End
    Dr. Lourenco Alves, Caroline  Diagnosis of mental disorders based on Data Science Thielemann, Christiane University of São Paulo 2023
    Dr.- Ing. Schwarz, Simon Ultra-short pulse processing of glass Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum 2023
    Dr. Zernetsch, Stefan Basic Movement Detection and Trajectory Forecast of Cyclists in Traffic Scenarios Doll, Konrad University of Kassel 2022
    Dr.- Ing. Kreß, Viktor Intention Detection of Vulnerable Road Users from a Moving Vehicle    Doll, Konrad University of Kassel 2022
    Dr.- Ing. Belle, Stefan Laser direct writing of mesoscopic optical components Hellmann, Ralf FU Hagen 2022
    Dr. Rer. Pol. Bieber, Gertrud Instruments for the requirements-based development of an IT tool for life cycle accounting Schott, Eberhard TU Chemnitz 2022
    Dr.- Ing. Roth, Gian-Luca In-volume ultrashort pulse laser processing of transparent polymers Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum 2021
    Dr.- Ing. Stock, Alexander Metrological analysis of the energy losses of converter-fed drive systems in non-stationary operation Teigelkötter, Johannes University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 2021
    Dr.- Ing. Hessler, Steffen Polymer-based lab-on-chip with integrated Bragg sensors Hellmann, Ralf Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg 2021
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Ciba, Manuel Evaluation of Synchrony and Connectivity Measures within Recorded in vitro Neuronal Networks Thielemann, Christiane University Würzburg 2021
    Dr.-Ing. Staudt, Stefan Optimised sensorless operation of synchronous reluctance machines in commercial vehicles Teigelkötter, Johannes Technical University of Dresden 2020
    Dr.- Ing. Candra, Dodiek Ika Development of a VPP based on a flexible biogas plant and a PV-system Hartmann, Kilian University of Rostock 2020
    Dr.- Ing. Girschikofsky, Maiko Production and application of planar Bragg grating sensors Hellmann, Ralf Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg 2020
    Dr.- Ing. Putscher, Christian Fault-tolerant operation of modular inverters Teigelkötter, Johannes University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 2020
    Dr.- Ing. Emmerich, Florian Properties and applications of thin-film electret materials Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt   2020
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Frieß, Johannes Influence of ionising radiation on the electrophysiological properties of cardiac cells  Thielemann, Christiane  TU Darmstadt  2019
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Körbitzer, Berit Investigation of functional interfaces between graphene and neuronal cells Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt 2019
    Dr.- Ing. Rung, Stefan Laser-induced hierarchical surface structures and their applications Hellmann, Ralf Ruhr University Bochum 2019
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Trautmann, Anika Two-photon polymerisation as a method for the production of medical technology functional elements Hellmann, Ralf TU Darmstadt 2019
    Dr.- Ing. Wilches Tamayo, Camilo Andrés  Technical optimization of biogas plants to deliver demand-oriented power Hartmann, Kilian University of Rostock 2019
    Dr.- Ing. Adelmann, Benedikt Laser material processing of semiconductors and ceramics for power electronics applications Hellmann, Ralf Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg 2019
    Dr.- Ing. Kowalski, Thomas Measuring and operating methods for converter-fed rotating field machines with superconducting stator winding Teigelkötter, Johannes University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 2019
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Köhler, Tim Effects of electromagnetic radiation on the electrophysiological properties of neuronal and cardiac cell networks Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt 2019
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Lantzberg, Daniel Quantum Frames and Uncertainty Principles arising from Symplectomorphisms Stark, Hans-Georg University of Bremen 2019
    Dr.- Ing. Bestel, Robert Simulation of neuronal action potentials with regard to cell shape and physiology and their recording using extarcellular microelectrodes Thielemann, Christiane University of Rostock 2018
    Dr.- Ing. Lieb, Florian The Affine Uncertainty Principle, Associated Frames and Applications in Signal Processing Stark, Hans-Georg University of Bremen 2018
    Dr.- Ing. Wölfel, Maximilian Highly integrated hardware-supported measurement method for analysing faulty transmission channels in TETRA object radio supplies  Bochtler, Ulrich TU München 2018
    Dr.- Ing. Rosenberger, Manuel Polymeric planar Bragg grids Hellmann, Ralf Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg 2018
    Dr.- Ing. Rauer, Miriam X-ray computed tomography for analysing the quality of joints in electronics Kaloudis, Michael Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nürnberg 2018
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Rücker, Johannes  Automated detection and extraction of e-waste components using image processing and machine learning methods with regard to tantalum recycling Bochtler, Ulrich University Gießen 2017
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Mayer, Margot Influence of ionising radiation on the electrophysiological properties of developing neuronal networks  Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt  2017
    Dr. Phil. Yüksel, Tonia Suzan Searching for the lost self: On the Relevance of Bodily-Practical-Spiritual Markers of Meaning in Hypermodernity Schott, Eberhard Private Universität Witten/Herdecke 2017
    Dr.- Ing. Hahn, Stefan Methods for non-linear model-based guidance of user-defined points at the front of the vehicle Zindler, Klaus Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg 2017
    Dr.- Ing. Amrhein, Sebastian Material cycles in the context of new mobility concepts Kaloudis, Michael University Augsburg 2017
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Goldhammer, Michael Self-learning algorithms for video-based intention recognition of pedestrians Doll, Konrad University Kassel 2016
    Dr.- Ing. Dressler, Katharina Formation of cavities in localised rear contacts in passivated emitter and rear solar cells Kaloudis, Michael TU Bergakademie 2016
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Frieß, Johannes Influence of ionising radiation on the electrophysiological properties of cardiac cells  Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt   2015
    Dr. Hahn, Henning Economic and ecological evaluation of biogas plant configurations for a demand oriented biogas supply for flexible power generation Hartmann, Kilian University of Kassel 2015
    Dr.- Ing. Nick, Christoph Micro-integrated nanostructures with high aspect ratio as neuronal interface Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt   2015
    Dr.- Ing. Dressler, Daniela Influence of regional and site-specific factors on the general validity of ecological and primary energy assessments of biogas Hartmann, Kilian University of Rostock 2014
    Dr. Rer. Nat. Daus, Andreas Cell-based biosensors -- Hybrid systems of three-dimensional in vitro networks and microelectrode arrays Thielemann, Christiane TU Darmstadt   2013
