With our particular research strength in the focus areas
- Intelligent Systems
- Materials
- Information and Innovation Management
- Business and Law
we are a driving force for innovation in the fields of digitalisation, sustainability and globalisation.
Offering targeted services based on a knowledge and technology transfer mission that is deeply anchored in the Bavarian University Innovation Act, we make an important contribution to the sustainable further development of social and technological progress. We bring science to life, open up new perspectives and promote the joy of innovation. In order to achieve this, we are in constant partnership with
- companies
- non-university research institutions
- early-career academics
- municipalities
- and the interested public
We seek to empower business and society to make responsible use of scientific and technological progress to maintain and improve prosperity and quality of life.
In doing so, we attach the highest importance to compliance with the principles of good research practice at all times.
We concentrate the knowledge generated in our research focus areas to facilitate internal and external dialogue:
- At our Centre for Scientific Services and Transfer (ZeWiS), we with and for companies to turn scientific findings into economic value added.
- Through mainproject, our scientists strengthen companies in the local region by conveying key concepts in the field of digital transformation and sustainability.
- At our Open Innovation Lab , regional and nationwide industrial partners find excellent research opportunities based on excellent scientific expertise.
- Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences clusters its AI activities in research, teaching and transfer at the Competence Centre for Artificial Intelligence (KKI).
We create a start-up-friendly climate that encourages people to take entrepreneurial responsibility, build on what is already there and venture to try out new things. We support and accompany researchers and inventors by providing technical and business expertise during all phases of the start-up process – from the vision through to the launch.
Through projects, workshops and advisory services, we offer companies access to the research and innovation expertise of AUAS. Our scientific teams support companies throughout the entire innovation process, from the initial idea through to implementation. The lively exchange of knowledge on an equal footing significantly promotes the competitiveness of our region and drives innovation.
Through their active involvement in transfer projects, our students have the opportunity to become familiar with challenging practical tasks at an early stage and establish contacts with attractive employers in the region. In this way, qualified graduates remain in the regional labour market. Our transfer activities also contribute directly to providing structural support for the Bavarian Lower Main region.
We empower talented individuals to develop sustainable business models based on innovative products and technologies. At our iLAB – The Innovation Lab we offer a creative environment in the form of an open workshop (FabLab) that enables student and external inventors to develop and prototype creative ideas.
The interdisciplinary team at the VentureLab supports students, graduates and researchers in combining scientific findings with innovative ideas and transferring these to entrepreneurial practice. Our Research Funding Unit provides comprehensive advice on the possibilities of commercial exploitation and the patenting of ideas and inventions.
Close networking with business and industry enriches the consistently practically oriented and progressive style of teaching at AUAS. Intense professional dialogue enables a vibrant 360° knowledge transfer, also providing worthwhile stimuli for our lecturers. In this way, current issues arising in partner companies are fed into our curriculum, thereby paving the way for new research topics in which our students can participate, too, thereby enriching their development.
We offer all members of the university the best possible development opportunities to deepen and strengthen personal interests and focus areas. Through seminars and project work at our excellently equipped laboratories and institutes, we train students in the application of scientific knowledge early on during their undergraduate studies, generating enthusiasm for application-oriented research and development.
We enable talented youngsters to pursue a continuous academic career from a bachelor’s degree and a master’s programme through to a cooperative doctorate. Our iDok programme provides doctoral students with comprehensive support aimed at promoting interdisciplinary exchange as well as deepening professional, personal and methodological skills.
The publications by our scientific teams provide insights into the outcomes of our diverse research activities in the focus areas. Numerous scientific texts are freely available in full text according to the principles of open access, provided they are not subject to secrecy.
We promote interdisciplinary exchange within and outside the university through regular events that are freely accessible to the public in connection with iDok, the AI Competence Centre and the knowledge transfer project mainproject.
With our range of professional development courses, we aim to encourage people to build on their professional and personal qualifications in all phases of life. After completion of the first phase of education, we offer work-study programmes and continuing academic education at university level. We teach scientifically sound and consistently application-oriented specialist expertise in the fields of electrical engineering, information technology and industrial engineering.
We offer companies numerous points of contact for staff professional development. Through projects, training courses and seminar series, we enable SME specialists and managers to expand their knowledge.