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  1. ConnectS UP

    The ConnectS UP project promotes the connection between universities and companies through innovative, practical teaching methods.

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    Connection Concepts through gaming workshop
  2. ERASMUS+ Project STEPS4EU

    Improvement of the overall success of engineering projects in the EU through the development of cross-functional skills of all participating team members.

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    STEPS4EU Kick-off-Meeting in Mailand
  3. mainproject

    Information transfer project focusing on digital transformation, sustainability and agile transition to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs enterprises in the Bavarian Lower Main region.

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    The Primavera24 presenter interviews Prof. Dr. Rainer Georg Hofmann.
  4. Exkimo

    AI modelling with integration of expert knowledge for use in industrial processes.

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    AI modelling with expert knowledge for Indusrtry workspaces
  5. i4Driving: Integrated 4D driving modelling with consideration of uncertainties

    Development of a database that expands, integrates, and provides several reference models to represent the diversity of human driving behavior for virtual CCAM evaluation.

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    A student sits in a research vehicle at the TH Aschaffenburg.
  6. MOSES

    Multi-optical sensor technology and real-time data processing are used to capture the process situation for automated UKP laser based PCB processing for manufacturing inductive sensors of the future.

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    Zwei Forscher stehen vor ihrem Forschungsprojekt
  7. dima Digital Manufactory

    The Digital Manufacture supports citizens of the city of Aschaffenburg with applied artificial intelligence to improve the urban living space.

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    dima project Design Thinking Workshop
  8. Quantitative Easing

    In January 2015, the ECB Governing Council decided on the "Quantitative Easing" asset purchase programme. The project comments on this decision and the resulting consequences.

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    The European Central Bank Euro Symbol in Frankfurt
  9. Survey of independent asset managers

    The Institute for Asset Management (InVV) conducts research and development in the field of asset management. This includes an annual survey of independent asset management firms.

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    Close up of tablet with keyboard in classroom with students
  10. TransferformKMU

    With TransferformKMU, the Institute for Management and leadership supports regional companies on their way out of the pandemic with further training on sustainability and transformation.

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    Prof. Dr. Erich Ruppert und Joachim Schmitt referieren im Rahmen des Wissenstransferprojekts mainproject.
  11. HASKI

    HASKI is a comprehensive system that uses AI-powered software to offer students personalized learning materials tailored to their individual knowledge level.

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    Ein Mann von hinten ist am Laptop und hat das Moodle der TH Aschaffenburg geöffnet. Mit der rechten Hand blättert er in einem Buch.
  12. Virtual conferences from an intercultural perspective

    In a recent Study Prof. Dr. Link, Director of the IIC, examines conferences held virtually from an intercultural perspective.

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    Prof. Dr. Link and Prof. Dr. Karuße in the virtual environment of the International Language Days
  13. AdLer: Adaptive digital class rooms

    Through the digital tool AdLer, teachers create networked virtual learning spaces with 2D and 3D immersive visualisation.

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  14. Diversophy learning games

    Gamification encourages dialogue and cooperation between different cultures in a fun and engaging way. In collaboration with an international consortium, the IIC develops Diversophy learning games.

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    diversophy® -Lernspiele trainieren den Umgang mit Menschen anderer Herkunft und Kultur.
  15. KIBU: Learning together for a smart data-enhanced future

    The KIBU project enables local companies in the Bavarian Lower Main region to use the possibilities of artificial intelligence.

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    Schaubild Forschungsprojekt Kibu auf dem ein Roboter mit verschiedemen Items verbunden ist.